Wheat is the most common cereal available over the world. And nowadays it has a higher demand due to its abundant health benefits. Research has already proven that wheat and wheat products are extremely beneficial for healthy living. Wheat is good for Heart as it lowers the hazards of heart diseases, owing to its low fat content. It also regulates blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.
Wheat provides you with an immense energy source and the nutrient value of wheat is retained even after processing it into flour. While the whole wheat is extremely nutritious,the health benefits of wheat greatly depends on the form in which you consume it.
In recent years, the nutritional value of whole wheat is recognized by consumers. Wheat is rich in catalytic elements, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, silicon, manganese, zinc, iodide, copper, vitamin B and vitamin E.
Health Benefits:-
- Controls Obesity(Especially in Women)
- Improves Body Metabolism
- Prevents Type 2 Diabetes
- Reduces Chronic Inflammation
- Prevents Gallstones
- Promote Women' s Gastrointestinal Health
- Protective against breast cancer
- Prevents Childhood Asthma
- Protects against coronary diseases
- Prevents Heart Attack
- Improves Cardiovascular System in Postmenopausal Women
- Assures a Healthy Lifestyle.
Health benefits of wheat completely depend on the form in which you eat. The benefits will be exiguous if you choose wheat that has been processed into 60% extraction, bleached flour. That means 40% of the original wheat grain was removed that may include the bran and the germ of the wheat grain—it's most nutrient-rich parts. In the process of making 60% extraction flour, more than half of the vitamin B1,vitamin B2,vitamin B3, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, copper, zinc, iron, and fiber are lost. If you choose 100% whole wheat products, however, the bran and the germ of the wheat will remain in your food. So, always choose the quality products.
As we said above wheat gets its maximum benefit when we use its all part such as bran,endosperm and germ. Rajah Premium Atta is good whole wheat atta flour which provides wholesome nutrition. This Premium Atta flour is much more denser and heavier than any other kind of Premium Atta flour. It is made up of quality wheat produced in the Indian fields with special care. Rajah Premium Atta assures you the tastiest and healthiest diet for all ages as it is is specially made with care and without losing any of the nutritional values of the flour. Rajah Premium Atta will be your favourite atta providing smooth, soft and tasteful chappatis.
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