Tea is one of the common hot beverages in the world and it has
some advantages also. Let’s take a look at the advantages of tea.
1) Tea contains
anti-oxidants: Tea contains anti-oxidants which help’s to stay young.
Anti-oxidants are helpful in cleaning you internally from the effects of pollution.
2) Make your arteries clog free: Drinking black tea for at
least two to three cups will reduce the possibilities of arteries getting
blocked with clogs and a study conducted in Netherlands proves this fact.
3) Much less caffeine: Tea contains very less caffeine than
coffee. If drinking coffee several times a day gives you headache and
sleeplessness at night then move to tea. Tea is a better alternative to coffee.
4) Helps your bone: Another study found out that people who
are consuming tea for more than ten years have more bone strength. This is considered
to be the effect of Phytochemicals in the tea.
5) Boost your immunity: Consuming tea will boost your
immunity against fighting infections and diseases.
6) Resistance against cancer: Tea have anti-oxidant Polyphenol
that actually prevents the cancer tumors to grow inside your body. Polyphenol
is a powerful anti-oxidant.
7) Hydrates your system: Earlier it was considered that caffeinated
drinks are not taken by our body or it was not something that our body
considered as a fluid.
9) No calories: If black tea is consumed without sugar then
black tea can be considered as a calorie free drink.
Kajah Tea is one of the Top Tea Brand In India and one of the
tastiest, flavorful tea produced India
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