Nutritional Values Of Premium Atta

Health benefits of premium atta

Premium atta is a rough mixture of Endosperm, germ and bran. This Premium Atta flour is much more denser and heavier than any other kind of Premium Atta flour.  
Here is the nutritional facts of Best Premium Atta, which will be helpful for you if you count your macros.

Nutritional Information (Approx) (For 100g)

Energy(kcal) 359.51
Protein(g) 10.83
Iron(mg) 8.17
Calcium(mg) 62.43
Cholesterol(mg) 0.00
Fat(g) 0.55
Saturated Fatty Acids(g) 0.150
Unsaturated Fatty Acids(g) 0.136
Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids(g) 0.264
Trans fat(g) 0.00
Carbohydrate(g) 77.8
Sugar(g) 10.3

Whole wheat have the ability to stimulate weight loss and increases the metabolism. The main reason for this is the fiber content in the Atta flour. This also helps in stomach to feel full for a long time in a day.
